The Deployment

*Note this is not my particular group however this was my location site.

Wow I dare not even go back to my last blog because it has been sometime. The time was necessary for my walk in Christ at this moment in my life. See you have all read the tragedy now the time I have been rogue has been the time of doing the work. When I say do the work I mean getting on my hands and knees praying all the way to my hands and my knees serving.

This time apart from the normals of social media I decided to let God do the work in me instead of me relying on man or myself to try and “figure it out”.

School has been going full steam ahead with a declared major in Counseling Psychology at a Christian university. Im alive with a strong confidence that this field has been right where I have always belonged. I have been seeing more and more how God was changing my life in a BIG way. This was my do over I want to be the light that shines for the world to see that even the smallest can be saved.

Around October of 2018 I started to get what I felt like was a calling into the missions ministry field. In that awakening I started to dive deeper into the word and church with a zealousness in my stride. My prayer life with God is becoming so much more intimate during this time my life. It is finally as if I am aware that he is there in everything and everyone. It was as if I instinctively knew something was brewing and I was in training. The whole challenging experience has lifted the haze from my eyes and I am seeing the world in a new way. It has been like the spirit speaking directly to my ear because I had done the work and been obedient in my trust in the lord he is finally rewarding me.

I suddenly found myself in the throws of deciding how I wanted to establish my dwellings. I had done the work and earned my way back to a place that I was thriving. I had purchased a 5th wheel camper in joining the movement to want to keep my life minimalist. I had lost the desires of worldly possessions and took of the great love of kingdom building desires. I have this drive in me that again is gearing me up towards my work with and in the lord. I have constantly seen myself being plucked up by the hand of God. I could feel it in my bones, again more training. I am ready willing and able…..use me Lord!

So I have been working diligently on remodeling my new home to make it comfortable when I’m local and when I’m not. I have been volunteering in student ministries at the church I have simple fallen in love with. This past week I had the pleasure of being a part of my first regional disaster relief mission trip with Samaritans Purse. This is a volunteer organization that comes to the aid of disaster relief locations. The specific destination I was assigned to along with about 14 others from my church9nearly 200 in total this week alone) was in Panama City, FL. On Oct 10, 2018 they were nailed by the landfall of a category 4 hurricane with the revering name of Hurricane Michael. This hurricane rocked the pan handle of Florida with the eye being located in Mexico beach, Fl. Simply put this was bad! Devastation that is still almost 6 months later rocking the lives of many life long residents of this quaint beach/bay community. So steeped in history and tradition, that honor exudes a trans descent glow of integrity.

I can honestly say that this experience has forever changed my life. It has been a lot of hardworking days and nights, the soul searching and the encounters with God that has left me knowing and seeing how so much of this is adding up. I am starting to see the triumph out of the tragedy. I have now seem first hand what resilience looks like. I kid you not at one point during this trip I’m pretty sure I felt the hand of God touching my shoulders and all I could see in my head was a glowing smile. I knew I was in the right place at the right time to hear a call on my life.

With all that said there is so much that I hope to be sharing about my trip in the coming posts. I have so many stories that I could probably write a book…hmmmm.

So please continue to come back and learn more about how the willingness to lose it all only leaves you open for everything to gain.

God bless you and as always please reach out I am hear to help spread the love 1 person at a time.